August 27, 2007

Search for the perfect shower curtain

The mother-in-law’s visit was also perfectly timed. I needed help picking out bathroom accents, a task which men generally bail out of. I can’t blame the husband – us women tend to get crazy when shopping and men simply don’t have the kind of patience required to drag them from one store to another. I wanted something serene and Asian-inspired and so the husband’s mom and I set out in search for the perfect shower curtain as early as 10 a.m. At one point, we tried to convince the husband to join us but he promptly said no. Boy, was I glad he didn’t jump in the truck! We came home shortly before 11 p.m., having driven to at least four different malls and checked out countless stores. I suppose I should also mention that we got lost on our way back to the apartment. (But that part was expected. Haha!) What we were looking for was a bamboo-themed shower curtain. We found the accessories at the first Linens-N-Things store that we went to, but not the curtain. The saleslady referred us to an outlet in Springfield, Virginia, 15-20 minutes drive away, only to find out the store had closed a year ago. By 5 p.m., my patience was already waning, my mood bordering on irritability, and it didn’t matter anymore if I’d gone home with a shower curtain with coconut trees and swinging monkeys design on it. “Never settle for anything less,” my mother-in-law interjected. So we pressed on, finally finding a Linens store near Tyson’s around 9 p.m., but only after circling the area twice. We found the curtain, all right. It was the only one left! Although we chose the loooong way home by accident (that’s my version of the story and I’m sticking with it), we were very pleased with our purchase. Of course, I was thanking my mother-in-law to high heavens for boosting my patience and standing by me to the end of the search.



Posted by fleur at August 27, 2007 06:16 AM
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