January 31, 2008

Yes, we survived the birthday bash

As promised, here are the pictures from Re'Sean's joint birthday celebration with bestfriend DJ. The bowling party in Woodbridge, Virginia, followed by a sleepover at home involving six of Re'Sean's friends, culminated a busy weekend, which was preceded by an equally busy week. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine how parents with three or four growing up boys keep their wits about.

However, Re'Sean was clearly having the party of his life, and that was the objective for the weekend. The boys decided that 3 a.m. was a suitable time to go to bed. The morning after, the husband demolished them all in Halo. And so, one hour of bowling, four pizzas, two birthday cakes and 25 pancakes later, the husband and I were finally able to wrap things up.

As a bonus, here's a video of the kids dancing to the song "Crank That Soldier Boy" at the bowling alley. Without doubt, these boys can move!

After the smoke has cleared, Re'Sean and I found ourselves coughing and sneezing and wheezing. Ah, the price we have to pay for a day (and a half) of festivities. I'll take that as a good excuse for the caption-less pictures. That will have to wait for a day or two. In the meantime, let me get some Advil.

Posted by fleur at January 31, 2008 05:51 AM