February 13, 2008

It's that time of the year again

Work will open two hours late today due to inclement weather conditions. Which explains why I'm tinkering with the computer so early in the morning. Roads are still coated in ice, no thanks to freezing rain. I know other states have seen the worst, but a quarter inch of snow in DC is news. I am wearing sneakers to work and hopefully by the time I have to walk to the building they have already de-iced the pavements.

All right, enough with the weather talk. Tomorrow, flowers and chocolates will be selling like hotcakes. Have you already shopped for your man/woman? I was watching "Morning Express with Robin Meade" on CNN yesterday, featuring the worst gifts men get on Valentine's Day. I don't blame some of them. A singing fish mounted on the bathroom door? Now why would you torture your significant other like that? I have a bit of sympathy for men - they go through lots of trouble trying to pick the perfect gift for their women and get "default gifts" (ties, socks, shirts, smiley boxers) in return. Valentine's Day was created for women, no doubt.

I have purchased a little something for the husband. It remains to be seen whether it will wow him tomorrow. This post is my advance Valentine's Day greetings to everyone, attached or otherwise. If you are fabulously single or boyfriend-less, have fun with friends. There is no such thing as a "firing squad." Spread the love around and make sure you tell your loved ones they're being thought of.

Posted by fleur at February 13, 2008 08:29 AM