May 23, 2005

Trouble shouldn't last always...

Do you ever sit and ponder all the trouble in the world today? Okay who would really want to do that? There's just so much of it. The one spot of trouble that has been on my mind for a while now is the aspect of family. Do we really still have families today? I mean, since I've been in my current job I've met so many people who have children but there are no father's or father figures for that matter. Let alone of three children they all have different fathers. I’ve met men and women who willingly cheat on their spouses. Is America so caught up in sex that they forget all the risks that come along with it?

Not only is all this casual sex messing up our family structures but it's also infecting us with a multitude of STD's. I myself have become a statistic in this world, one of many single mothers. I sometimes wonder if every single mom has story like mine or if they just didn't care. I wonder what goes through a person's mind when they cheat on their spouses and don't think that any thing is wrong with that. I wonder how a man or a woman would not want to help support his/her child or children. How could they not want to get to know their own flesh and blood? I think that some men and women really need some guidance as to what a child means. Children born to unwed parents don't mean a pay check. They are not property that can be held over one parent or the others head. They are precious gifts from God that needs love, affection, and guidance in this very cruel world. They need to be taught to be better than their parents and grandparents. They need to want more out of life and have the motivation to strive to reach their goals. Goals are not how many people you can sleep with or how many beers you can drink. Goals are spiritual, financial, educational, and even career oriented. What happened to the morals and values that were once instilled in the children of the world? What happened to the respect that children once showed their parents. What happened to trust in relationships and faithfulness? Where is the world headed? I feel like there's a whole lot of trouble brewing and it may be too late to stop it.

I just hope that parents realize how important children are and what a precious gift they are. Yes they do test you and make angry with them but that does not give parents the right to take their child's life or beat them with no remorse. Children are to be loved and nurtured even when we are angry with them. They only know what we teach them. The television is not a teacher. Xbox and Play Station are not teachers. Children need to interact with people. They need to interact with their parents. In the few years I've been an adult I've seen so little right and so much wrong and it's really troubling.

Trouble shouldn't last always.

*dismounts soap box*

Posted by nikki at May 23, 2005 08:52 AM