Where is everybody on their Christmas lists? Are you almost done, about halfway or are you like, "Christmas? Is it December already?!?" Well, I am not doing too bad. Surprisingly enough I have managed to scrape together a couple of gifts. Albeit, my list is a short one. Very short. And, no, it is not just me. I do think about others on occassion. I am looking forward to Christmas this year for a number of reasons. My son is now at the age where he is finally coming into his own. If you have kids or have been around kids since their birth you will probably understand what I am talking about. All the years previous watching him grow up has been an amazing thing in and of itself. Now, we are at the part where he takes whatever information he has and makes decisions based on what he thinks he knows. It is all very interesting to me. This year is when he is starting to grasp major concepts. I'm not talking about reading. Our discussions have been on things like the meaning of Christmas. He is still at the stage where he is mimicking the answers I give him, but the amazing part is that he is asking me questions about the answers. He is trying to seek knowledge for himself. It makes me proud. I am sure that almost every child goes through this process at some point. But, when it is your child and you get to see it is simply amazing.
The following is not a paid endorsement, nor is it due to the recent national holiday. Although I must admit it has been triggered by recent events.
Its intended audience will understand.
Let me tell you all about a little trip I took to Utopia. The weatherman had said there was rain in the forecast, but I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it. The sun was shining there was hardly a cloud in the sky. It was too nice of an afternoon so I decided to walk. It was straight shot from my front door and a little exercise outside wouldn’t hurt. A slight breeze was seemingly blowing my troubles away. I had that strut in my step that exuded all sorts of confidence. I felt I was on top of the world. Nothing could stop me. I meandered down Front street crossing over Been There Avenue and Done That Lane still feeling good. I soon realized that Front Street has become narrow and winding and dark. Dark clouds had rolled in thick. It made the horizon look ominous and spooky. I could smell rain in the air. The wind had gotten a little brisk, too. But that's cool because I was on a high. I was feeling good regardless of the weather. It was almost like I couldn’t tell that it was getting worse out. I went over a bridge, you know the one that crosses Troubled Waters Creek. I tried not to look over the side because the water was dark. I continued the journey passing Hope Avenue and Bleak Street. Then I reached an old oak tree. There was a pair of shoes with a note attached them next to the tree. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to go investigate. The note read, “Free Shoes. Yours truly, A.M.” What a deal! Free shoes? Why not? I figured since I had a couple of miles left to go on my journey I could break the shoes in now. I took the note and stuffed it into my pocket and put on the shoes. I probably walked about a mile down Front Street in those shoes. Let me tell you, that was the longest mile of my life! A.M., the guy that left his shoes there by that tree did so for a reason. Those shoes were the worst shoes ever. You try walking a mile in another man’s shoes and you will see exactly what I mean. I took those shoes off and left them on the side of the road. I took the note out of my pocket and left it with the shoes. Maybe A.M. will come get his shoes or another man will find them. I felt a bit more comfortable in my own shoes. I continued my journey to Utopia. I walked about a half mile and got Center Street. And that's when it happened. The sky exploded. The ground shook. Everything around me disappeared. All I had known to be somewhat stable in the world disintegrated. Essentially, the world as I knew it was no more. Everything was different. There I was standing on the corner of Front and Center Street. It started to rain. No, make that pour. My clothes were soaked. The rain exposed everything for what it actually was. There was no nice and shiny paint on anything. And for the first time I realized there on Front and Center that life had reared its ugly head. I should have listened to the weatherman. I had been forewarned. I did not heed counsel.
Nice story, huh? Well, it is the story of my life recently. It seemed as if I was living a lie. I had even convinced myself. I would tell everybody that everything was all right, but right there at that intersection I realized everything was not all right. (It usually takes something significant.) It was all wrong. Things in my life that had meaning didn't anymore. Things that were sweet weren’t. They now soured on my tongue. Suffice it to say the storm is passing. My way is becoming clearer. When this storm clears I plan to take another road to Utopia. I have learned to pack my umbrella or at least bring a jacket. I feel no reason to be on Front Street. Everything is not alright, but it will be.