Hey! The studio is coming along nicely! I have finally got it configured to where I can do some actual recording. However, I have not done any as of yet. I still have some more testing to do on some software applications. But, everything should be good to go real soon!
I just had to get that out...
Ok, I know some of you might think that I shamelessly plug my music because I am a little proud of how it is doing. Well, you are absolutely right! They just redesigned the site and put a little more stat information. As of now, I am listed as #1 in the Top 10 Jazz Artist. Ok, I think it is great, but I am really curious as to who is actually listening to the music. It seems kinda weird, but I am going to ride it out. I really need to get my studio up and running. I want to put out some new tunes... Who knows what could happen? Well, I just thought I would let you all know...
I do want to say thanks to all those who click, listen and support what I am doing!
Ok, It's August and the weather is not cooperating at all. It has been overcast or cloudy since at least mid July! And even though it has been hot and muggy, there hasn't been enough solid sunshine for my tastes! There are things I want to do still like swimming, fishing, maybe a cookout, anything outdoors! I really want to be outside! The bad part is that it just doesn't rain, the bottom of the sky falls out! Woe to you if you are caught out in it. Your umbrella is not big enough. Your umbrella is not strong enough. I have gotten to the point that when it is raining like that, I don't leave where ever I am situated. It passes on through after 20 - 30 minutes, but that's because it is making way for another deluge! Then we get that annoying little drizzle that continues on for the rest of the afternoon. All the while the temperature stays at 90 degrees! Make things really comfortable. I love the way a hallway packed with people with varying hygiene levels around 4pm smells on a hot steamy day... NOT!!
I am not complaining. I will take this heat, humidity, rain, lightning and thunder any day over Old Man Winter and his Hawk on my back! I just had to get this out...
I have completed my home recording studio. Well, it is complete as I think I need it to be. Let me tell you, this equipment, this equipment, this equipment! I have wires coming out of everywhere! Because this is a computer based recording studio I have driver issues, component conflicts, the works! I am slowly getting it together. I am getting anxious for everything to work. I want to start making music again! I think that is what I used to do with the keyboard. One of these days I will tickle the old ebony and ivory board and see if I can get any noise out of it... Oops! I forgot, this is an electronic keyboard, that means the speakers are connected to the keyboard, no, the mixer, um, maybe... uh, is it the sound card which is connected to the MIDI interface, but I thought that was connected to the keyboard.... Who knows? Anyway, hopefully, I will have everything up and running soon. I have songs that are really close to be finished, just waiting to come out and be released to the world, then I have songs that are in the fragile stages of almost not ever becoming a song. Actually, I have quite a few like that. Most of them fall off and become ideas that never reach their full potential. Anyway, when all the studio equipment is working so I can work, then I will get back to writing music, at least I think that was what I used to do once upon a time...