Today, my son has officially made it to the Honor Roll! He's been working very hard to obtain that. At the beginning of the quarter he told me that making the honor roll was one of his goal. He gets mad props!
...still making changes to the website. Been noticing that some blogging has been done in the meantime (Thanks, Fleur, Thanks Nikki)! Also Nikki put up a new poem entitled My Crutch. It's good to see that, so, check out their blogs! I'm getting a little better at all this web stuff as far as the mechanics, but I'm still slow. What's more important to me is that things are finally starting to take shape.
Let me get you up to speed...
Yes, my photo album is still down. I broke it, but now it works - better than ever actually. However, it's empty. I had hundreds of pics uploaded in it previously. I needed to organize it anyway. Fixing my photo album actually helped me achieve a goal. I wanted to have photo albums for each artist. I think I have the tools to do that now. That is what I am working on now. Hopefully, I can get that done soon.
One of my complaints that I have about my website is that I was having difficulty getting the different pages to fit together and play nicely - seamless integration of all the little scripts I have on the site. And as a added benefit, I wanted to have the website translate well across different browsers. I can say that except for the photo album page I can keep everything pretty much close to the same format. Or at the very least manipulate the format enough to get it to where I want it.
Small goals and challenges, I know, but they are feasible through time or through getting better script or even (if you are standing, sit) writing my own. Yeah, I'm dabbling. But believe me, that is slower than me trying to code simple tables on this website.
Thanks for being patient...
Hey! I have been working pretty hard at updating my website - that's why there haven't been many blog posts from me. So, please bear with the mess. If you find any missing files or broken links please let me know by emailing me.
Thanks for being patient...
Guess what? The price of a first class stamp has gone up $.02. Now, it's $.39 to mail a letter to Grandma. Thankfully, the price of the attitude at the counter in the Post Office is still free.
My son played in his first basketball games. He had two. He is in the 8 an under league for our city and it is very fun to watch. Despite the extremely low scores, they were high-paced, action packed games. I have been going to all of his practices. I have always found it interesting to watch kids and their short attention spans be somewhere they want to be, but do everything else but the task at hand. Somewhere, somehow they "get it". Then the game starts. All that "getting it" is gone! Practice is out the window! Now, me and the other parents are standing on the side of the court yelling, "Pass! Go, go, go, no, no, no! Shoot! Dribble! The other way, other way! , No, no, no, don't look at me watch the ball!"
Then I had a moment (not a senior moment, JK) I was standing up during the second half of his first game and I realized this simple truth. I am that guy. That parent that is going insane on the sidelines. Yelling at the coach to do something, the refs for not doing anything and the kids for doing - whatever. I looked around and laughed. I wasn't alone. (Thankfully!) If the kids were paying attention to their parents they would have been scared to go home with us. At about the sametime I realized this, the parent next to me must have realized the same thing. We both laughed. Then the epiphany was over. His kid just lost the ball to mine. Game on. My boy has the ball. "Go, go, go! Shoot! Shoot it! Ok, nevermind that, pass, pass! Ok, get back on defense!" This was only game one. I wonder if I am going to be able to last the whole season!
Ok, I have been blog absent for about a week. I know, I know - here come the excuses right? Well, no, I have been busy working on Of course, since I know you all visit the pages of this wonderful website, you have already seen the changes the site has undergone. I have basically gave the website a face lift. There are still somethings that I want to do, but those changes will come in the coming weeks. So, tell me what you think. Doing all this coding has really taught me a lot. I'm glad I'm going through it, too. Someone else has been doing some remodeling. Checkout I am digging the new look a lot. He always has something going on that I like and want on my site. Just once, I want to surprise JK something! :-)
Didn't this week take a long time to get over and done with? Thursaday felt like Tuesday. I thought Friday would never come! It was even a short week for me. I still feel pretty good about this year. I know things are going to go well! How is 2006 been treating you all so far? In the stores Christmas all but forgotten. Valentine's Day merchandise is already out on shelves. It is no wonder that so many Americans are in debt. They are hardly ever given a chance to pay off all that holiday debt. The get a a couple months from February until May. But, of course, they are trying to save up for summer. That's life in a commercially driven world for you.
Well, here's to the weekend!
Okay, it's January 1, 2006. Everything is clean and fresh and even, right? We are going to let bygones be bygones, right? Good. This is going to be a good year! Can you tell that I'm excited about this year? :-) Well, I am. I feel that I am reaching a minor milestone in life. Over the past few years I have learned so much about myself and about others. I feel that this year, I will be able to put something's into motion. What? I have no idea. But I just feel that things are going to be great! So, here's looking forward to 2006 and it's challenges!
I have done some remodeling here on Can you guess where? More to come!